At our school, we have a few folks that served in the military. Given that we are in the States, at least two I know where in Iraq. One guy, was in his late thirties and in the infantry. He never really said much about it, just that he was there. After class, I saw him stretching and wincing. I asked what the problem was and he said his sciatic nerve. I asked, if it was from kicking the heavy bag. He nonchalantly said that it was from Iraq, daily patrols with the weight from ill-fitted body armor, a rucksack and the other gear. Herniated disks and other various maladies are what he contends with after moving on from that job.
That is such a real sacrifice to have made. I can't imagine doing that work in my late thirties. I whine about my physical degradations. Hence, this blog, but I made choice to do the sports or was just born with clumsiness that has caused my few physical impairments. These ex-soldiers were working, doing their job, got hurt (or worse) and sucked it up to live with the problems later in their lives. Problems that they got from doing a job in public service.
So, in respect and tribute to the servicemen and women on this Memorial Day
weekend (oh yeah, its Labor Day weekend...uh, who cares, I always get
them confused), OMJJ is thankful and gives this truly amazing fireworks salute.